Norman Vincent Peale - Freemason

Two prominent Figures (1 Political and 1 Religious) both claim that the late "Norman Vincent Peale" was their “personal” pastor and/or mentor. However, most “christians” do not know that the great Dr. Peale who wrote "The Power of Positive Thinking" actually belonged to the satanic group known as the "Freemasons"... While many think Freemasons are “christians”, nothing could be farther from the truth. The Freemasons believe you can worship ‘god’ anyway you want to (Judaism, Christianity, and Allah, whatever). Peale also advocated such New Age and/or occult teachings as visualization/positive imaging, pantheism, human potential, positive confession, positive thinking, etc. On a 1984 Phil Donahue Show Peale who as I said earlier was a 33rd degree Mason said, "It's not necessary to be born again. You have your way to God, I have mine. I found eternal peace in a Shinto shrine". Shintoism is an ancient Oriental religion that fuses ancestor worship with mysticism. Peale made this comment on the Phil Donahue show in 1984 “I've been to Shinto shrines and God is everywhere. ... Christ is one of the ways! God is everywhere. ... Just so we think good thoughts and just so we do good we believe we'll get to heaven" (Reported in the 12/14/84, Sword of the Lord).           

The following are known quotes from this so-called “christian” pastor…
 “Every human being is a child of God and has more good in him than evil — but circumstances and associates can step up the bad and reduce the good. I've got great faith in the essential fairness and decency — you may say goodness — of the human being”
(Interview in Modern Maturity Magazine December-January 1975-1976)

“Our problem is to become acquainted with our own selves, letting our personalities loose upon the world for the sheer adventure of their full development and in the positive hope that they may in their own way lift the level of humanity”
(The New Art of Living 1986 – p. 13)

“Who is God? Some theological being? He is so much greater than theology. God is vitality. God is life. God is energy. As you breathe God in, as you visualize His energy, you will be reenergized!”
(No More Stress or Tension in Plus: The Magazine of Positive Thinking May 1986 – p. 22)

“Change your thoughts and you can change the world”
(As quoted in Back on Track: How to Straighten Out Your Life When It Throws You a Curve 1997 by Deborah Norville – p. 201)

And Peale was proud of being a Freemason (Link 4)

Does this sound like he is promoting the God of the Bible or the God of the Devil?

So do you know who the two men mentioned earlier who sat under this heretics teaching? Don’t you think you should…



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