Not Called To The Wrath Of God

• Noah lived through every single day of the flood.
• The Children of Israel lived in Egypt through all ten plagues.
• Jesus left all twelve Disciples in the boat in the midst of the storm.
• The Church survived Nero’s persecution.
• The Church survived the Inquisition.
• Ninety percent of the Christians in the Middle East have been killed or displaced in the last ten years, but the Church remains.

But you are just certain that Jesus has to rapture you before the Tribulation because He said that you are not destined to wrath…

Please look at the whole verse and note that Pretribbers only quote half of the verse…

1 Thessalonians 5:9 For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.

This is not speaking of the wrath of God poured out on sinners during the Tribulation. In its immediate context, “wrath” is speaking of judgment, Hell and the Lake of Fire. This Scripture says that, as the Elect of God, you are not destined for Hell but for Heaven…

This passage has absolutely nothing to do with the Tribulation or the rapture…

Please note that God has poured out his wrath before and that wrath never resulted in a Rapture… If you do force that verse on the tribulation, the fact remains that God has often protected his children from wrath, but He has never had to remove them from the planet in order to protect them.

It’s called CONTEXT… Christian’s should try it sometime…


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