Go Them Into The World

I received this from a friend and I just had to repost it…

Mark 16:15 states “Go into the world and tell people that Jesus loves them or simple God bless you because it is actually the preacher’s job or someone else’s job to tell people that if they do not repent that they will go to hell! As for me, I will sit here in my church and let the world come to me. However, if you do decide to go out then all you need to do is tell people God bless you and that Jesus loves them because this is sharing the gospel” (This is from the MDAB). Also, we are told in Mark 25:35-19 that “When I was hungry you sometimes fed me, but I know that it wasn’t really your job so it’s okay and when I was thirsty you told me where a water hose was. Also, when I was homeless you showed me where there was a shelter so I wouldn’t stink up your house, and when I was naked you found some old clothes you didn’t “want” and gave me those. When I was sick you avoided me, and when I was in prison the hospital you didn’t have the time to come visit me which is cool because I know you are a busy person” (Also from the MDAB).

Welcome to the modern day church… Laodicea is alive and well…

Today’s Church is a JOKE! Do you really think that the world is going to magically come waltzing into your church looking for Jesus? NO THEY ARE NOT! Where are they? They are at the local McDonalds, Wal-Mart, or the local gas station. They are on a street corner, at the beach, or they are in jail. Yet all I see are people going to church on Sunday and then doing whatever they want the rest of the week. I heard one person who claims to be so in love with Jesus say “It’s my time, I can do whatever I want”… I know who their Lord is, and it isn’t Jesus!

Jesus never said go into the world and build churches. Jesus never said go into the world and build schools to go with your churches. Jesus never said to go and build Christian Universities or Christian television stations and he never said to go build Christian businesses. What did Jesus say to do? Jesus said to go into the world and PREACH THE GOSPEL! The Church after Jesus ascended turned the world upside down NOT because they met once a week to listen to some man tell them what “God” was saying but because they were on the street preaching the Gospel daily. Today’s MDAC wants someone else to do it for them and at the very best they might (and I said might) say “God Bless You” (which they should NOT be doing) or “Jesus Loves You” (which accomplishes what exactly?). These statements only show how weak of a Christian they really are if they are in fact a real Christian at all. In fact it really shows what a coward they are. When was the last time you really asked someone if they knew where they would spend eternity? I always here this excuse, well we need to build a relationship with people first, really? Where is that verse exactly? While you are building that relationship do you not realize that person could die tomorrow and go to HELL, or are you more worried what that person might think of you if you actually told them that they will go to hell if they don’t repent? Could it be your Christian life is so shabby that you know you have no right to tell others about Jesus? I will close with a story of a Church that went from an outreach church to apostate almost it would seem overnight…

Years ago I attended a church that was on FIRE. They would go down to skid row and hold a meeting at a street mission every week. Also, they would go to an alcoholic recovery home once a week to minister and preach the gospel there. On top of that they would go to a nursing home to minister to the elderly once a week and they would also conduct home visitations as requested by members of the body. The church grew from a measly 45 members to over 400 because they obeyed God and were going out into the world and preaching the gospel. A few years later the Pastor was run off because something he had done and the takeover of the church was a bloodbath. When the new Pastor came on the scene all these outreaches came to an end. After a few years under the leadership of the new Pastor the church can barely get 30 people in on a Sunday morning. God honors those who obey his Word and God did not call us to go to a building on Sunday and park there and wait for sinners to come to us but he called us to “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature…And in my name shall they cast out devils… speak with new tongues…take up serpents…if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them…lay hands on the sick and they shall recover”

This is who we are to be… This is not what you see in America…

So you know, here is the are what the acronyms above stand for…
MDAB = Modern Day Apostate Bible
MDAC = Modern Day Apostate Christian


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