Real Christians vs. Americanized Christians

I think I finally understand the issue. After much prayer I believe God has shown me there are two major types of Christians living in America. The first are those who follow the Word of God as God wrote it, and don’t add or subtract from it or add THEIR opinion to it to say what they want it to say.

The second type is what I have come to call the “Americanized” apostate version of christianity. These christians stedfastly believe in patriotism, saluting the flag, the prosperity gospel, that they are gods, all types of false teachings that are found NO WHERE in the New Testament, and that they have the right to kill someone in self defense.

So I guess it always comes down to this…

“And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:15)

If I were to translate this verse into modern English I would write it like this…

“And if it is evil for you to serve the Lord as his Word says you are to serve him then you need to decide today what version of Christianity that you are going to follow whether it be the false teachers, apostles, and prophets version that have invaded the church under the guise of “the false prosperity gospel, saying that we are gods, and that god wants you have it all now” or the traditions of your fathers (America is god’s nation so salute that flag) even though the Word says not too…  And if you want to serve the gods of the Amorites (the false denominations that are everywhere) in America then do so because in the end if you are not following the Word as God wrote it then you are just wasting your time…”

BUT as for me and my house we will serve the Lord exactly as HIS Word says to serve him…”


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