His Name In Vain

Using His Name In Vain

I have often wondered why something I see all the time on facebook or hear on TV grates my spirit, and I now I know the reason why is because it is grating the Holy Spirit within me… And I have been guilty of this myself...

Reposting this because it helped me and I hope it helps someone else…

Exodus 20:7
“Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain… For the Lord will not hold him guiltless that takes his name in vain”

Exodus 20:7
“Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain…”

The Hebrew word here is “shav” which means “emptiness of speech or nothingness”.

So vain means using God’s name in a meaningless way and this shows a lack of respect and it is pointless. The only time that we are to speak God’s name and or Jesus Christ’ name is when we are either talking about them or talking to them or teaching their law. Saying their names in vain is sinful. The Father is the word. The Father is the utmost Holy. There is only one thing that is good and that is the Father.

“Oh God” or “Oh My God” are said so frequently, that it no longer bothers most and this is because it has become what is considered second nature. Entertainment societies will blotch out, bleep out distasteful words, but they will not blotch out nor bleep out when one says “GD”. The word God is used too loosely this day and age, even by the youth by saying God’s name other than calling on him or by saying Jesus’ name other than calling on him. Think about what you all are doing and what your children are saying. 

Exodus 20:7 “…For the Lord will not hold him guiltless that takes his name in vain”

So, with all of this said, take this into consideration of what not to say in vain:

“Oh Jeze, Jesus, Oh Jesus, Jesus Christ, Good God, Oh God, Oh my God, Oh Christ, Christ, For Christ sakes”…


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