Prayer and Pride

Prayer and Pride

I wanted to share something God showed me today while I was sitting outside in my front yard. We have a GREAT prayer team and that is AWESOME!! However, many times I know that I have been tempted when I hear a prayer request to say “WOOHOO I was praying for YOU” but God showed me that I should never EVER do that, but why?

God created language, and when he made the word “PRIDE” he knew what he was doing because the letter stuck right in the middle of “PRIDE” is the letter “I”!! Yes the letter “I”!!! We are told in Matthew 6 that when do our good deeds (alms), fast, or pray we are to tell NO ONE and that means that we are to tell NO ONE!! Why? Because God says if we do them in secret then HE will reward us openly. However, if WE tell people about our alms, fasting, or prayers then we will lose our reward because the praise of man will be our only reward.

For example, let’s say that Sister Sue tells Bro. Ron that the prayer request she told him about got answered.  Next thing we know Bro. Ron is telling ANYONE (who will listen) that he was praying for Sister Sue and that God answered his (Bro. Joe’s) prayers (thus taking some credit for the prayer request being answered). Once Bro. Joe does this he will receive NO REWARD FROM GOD (however satan may send him one so Bro. Joe thinks he is doing the right thing).

We have to always remember that God HATES pride because pride is what caused Lucifer to fall thus starting a chain reaction that is still going on today. Anyone claiming to be born again must know how serious PRIDE is their Lord because this is one of the most talked about topics in the Word of God.

God Bless,
Brother Dan


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