Clear And Present Danger

Clear and Present Danger
“Google search results for ‘My News’ shows only the viewing/reporting of Fake News Media. In other words, they have it RIGGED for me & others, so that almost all stories & news is BAD. They are controlling what we can & cannot see and this very serious situation WILL be addressed!
Tweeted on August 28th, 2017 at 8:02am By Donald J. Trump

Okay before you shut down your brain because this is about Trump I have one favor to ask; please take off your “rose-colored Trump can do no wrong” glasses and put on your “Constitution First” glasses.

The question here is simple… Do you value Trump or your Constitution more?

What this man just tweeted is one of the most dangerous tweets he has done to date. We all know he is constantly attacking the “free press” (which is protected under your Constitution) because he doesn’t like what the press is saying about him AND NOW he wants to try to control private companies and what they say and do. Do you see how dangerous this is? If not then understand this…this is what tyrants do to take over a country and no real leader of America would ever speak this way about America because they would know that this is a very clear violation of the 1st Amendment. Once again he said this “They (Google) are controlling what we can & cannot see and this very serious situation WILL be addressed”. Even if this is true; Google is a PRIVATELY owned company that is not breaking the law in any way and they can do whatever they want. If the current leader of America does something to them or about this then he is a dictator. No President since the Internet was made public has ever DARED to violate any internet companies’ rights or try and control what they do and say and I mean EVER… Did Clinton, Bush, or Obama like everything the press or people on the internet said about them? NOT A CHANCE, so now we must answer these simple questions…

Did any of them every try and control or shutdown the press? No
Has the current President? Yes

Did they ever try and step in to control any company on the internet? NO
Has the current President? Not yet, but his tweet clearly suggests he wants to because they are not being nice to him and I heard interviews today with GOP congressmen today who said they were behind him doing it

Did they EVER stop certain press sources from attending their briefings? No
Has the current President? Yes

Did any of them try and control the internet? Yes because they talked about implementing Net Neutrality
Has the current President? Not yet, but his tweet suggests he wants to

The reason previous Presidents did not interfere with internet entities and the free press is because they valued the office of the President and they valued the Constitution and even though they were not perfect, none of them ever attacked the press, private companies, Senators, Congressman, women, or others who did not bow to them like the person who currently resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington DC, 20500 and I mean NONE of them. To be fair, all of them did on occasion try to go around the Constitution to get their way via E.O.’s (Executive Orders) as the current leader has already done many times, but none of them DARED to violate the freedom of the press on the freedom of speech which is exactly what the current President has been doing since he was elected and trying to do even before he got sworn in to office. Even Richard Nixon who hated the Washington Post because they exposed him and his participation in Watergate NEVER called them (the press) the “fake news” or the “enemy of the people”, but the current person who resides in the Oval office has constantly been saying exactly that.

“…and were it left up to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or have newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter” (Thomas Jefferson letter to Edward Carrington). Jefferson and the rest of the founding fathers knew that if the government ever became as corrupted as it is right now that the free press reporting what was going on would be our last best hope to stop a tyrannical person from taking over and this is why leaders who aspire to become tyrants hate a “FREE PRESS” or others who speak out against them (like Google's open algorithm) which is based on clicks and preferences of the user because they want everything being said about them to be positive.

We have to understand that Google is not the “free press” but they are entitled to protection under the 1st Amendment which clearly states “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the FREEDOM OF SPEECH OR OF THE PRESS or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances”. If he is allowed to silence Google then you might as well kiss your free country that was formed under your Constitution GOODBYE.

Trump is a Clear and Present Danger to America…

Finally, do you value Trump or your Constitution more?


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