
Showing posts from September, 2018

Exposing TV/Radio

This may be a rocket shot too people’s minds, but these two things (among so many other things in the false American church) need to be exposed… I was headed up to take care of something on Sunday morning and happened to turn on one of the local “christian” radio stations and was floored. First, I hardly listen to any “christian” radio or TV station because they are for lack of a better phrase are “not in line” with the Word of God. The "christian" station that I turned on is at least national if not international and what they said just bored a whole into my spirit and here is what they said: “At 11:00 we will be having the morning mass from ‘insert Catholic Church name here’ and this is a good time to get into real prayer” Okay, now that all sounds good unless you have the Holy Spirit and you know the Roman Catholic Church or RCC is NOT OF GOD and that the RCC is just as big a cult as the Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons, and the 7 th Day Adventists are. However, th

Phony Christian... Is That Me?

Phony Christian... Is That Me? Most of the 76% of america that identifies as christian would not make it past the first month of the tribulation because they won't have their cushy christian life (CCL) anymore because the AC will take their houses, cars, money, and everything else they count as “precious” (Stole that from The Hobbit) away… It is said that 76%+ of Americans identify as christian… Really? The following two areas will always divide the sheep from the goats… #1 Most of the 76% of Americans that identify as christian have never really known the Lord for he said "If ye love me, keep my commandments" and most of the people who claim to be born again pick and choose what commandments they will follow and the Word of God is not an ala carte menu! These people look good around other “christians” because they know how to put on their cloak of “I’m like Jesus” so others will think they are awesome christians which tells true Believers that the ameri

The Church At Sardis

To the Church at Sardis History Sardis was named after a fiery red stone found near the city, and it also represented Israel’s firstborn son Reuben. In addition, it was the first stone used in the breastplate of the high priests. The city was 30 miles southeast of Thyatira in a fertile valley that meant “those escaping”. It was also on a hill 1,500 feet above the valley below, which meant it could only be attacked from the south and this made the residents of Sardis extremely overconfident. History shows that t he city of Sardis was under constant conquest, and it was first taken over by the Cimmerians in the 7th Century, but later captured by the Persians. The Persians were empire builders so under their rule Sardis became the ending point for the Royal Road that led to Persepolis. Eventually it was surrendered to Alexander the Great, and later fell to Antiochus in 218 B.C. When this letter was written to the Church at Sardis it was securely in the hands of the Roman Empire, an

Witch Hunt? Really?

Witch Hunt? Really? Here is the truth... If you dare read the truth... First the latest turns… CEO of AIM David Pecker… Turned State’s Evidence… Pecker had in his possession tons of dirt on Trump that Trump wanted him to bury and keep secret in his safes in New York and Los Angeles. CFO for Trump Allen Weisselberg… Turned State’s Evidence… Weisselberg has been Trump’s CEO for decades and if anyone knows about the “Trump money trail” it will be Allen Weisselberg… So what are the REAL results of this so-called “Witch Hunt” #1 George Papadopoulos who is the former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser pleaded guilty in October to making false statements to the FBI. #2 Michael Flynn who is Trump’s former national security adviser  pleaded guilty  in December to making false statements to the FBI. #3 Paul Manafort who is Trump’s former campaign chair was indicted in October in Washington DC on charges of conspiracy, money laundering, and false statements which

Back Then...

Back Then… I remember back to a time where the Holy Spirit ran the meeting, fellowship, and for those who still call buildings the “church”; the church… Back then on many occasions the song minister (still cannot find that ministry in the Word of God) would have to stop singing… Back then on many occasions the Pastor never got to deliver his monologue… Back then the Holy Spirit would deliver people from addictions, heal them on the spot of diseases, and people were getting saved left and right…. Today… Today you can set your watch when a service is going to start and pretty much when it is over… Today you have a song, announcements, the taking of God’s money, a few more songs, occasionally people will wait for the Holy Spirit to do something (2-4 minutes is the usual amount of time), a monologue from someone, a short alter call and BAM… The service is over… Everyone leaves the same way they came and many will go home and go back to what THEY want to do… Sin, say a little bedt