Exposing TV/Radio

This may be a rocket shot too people’s minds, but these two things (among so many other things in the false American church) need to be exposed…

I was headed up to take care of something on Sunday morning and happened to turn on one of the local “christian” radio stations and was floored. First, I hardly listen to any “christian” radio or TV station because they are for lack of a better phrase are “not in line” with the Word of God. The "christian" station that I turned on is at least national if not international and what they said just bored a whole into my spirit and here is what they said:

“At 11:00 we will be having the morning mass from ‘insert Catholic Church name here’ and this is a good time to get into real prayer”

Okay, now that all sounds good unless you have the Holy Spirit and you know the Roman Catholic Church or RCC is NOT OF GOD and that the RCC is just as big a cult as the Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons, and the 7th Day Adventists are. However, the RCC hides their false teaching in so many layers of things that sound christiany that unless you know what the Word of God you wouldn’t know the difference. So for expediency sake I am only going to list their big false doctrines such as going to a man to get their sins washed away (the mafia loves that one), praying to the saints, elevating Mary to the state of Godhood, that the RCC church is the one and only true church, and that only the RCC has authority to interpret scripture. If you want to read more about their heresy you can read about them here: https://carm.org/list-of-roman-catholic-false-teachings.

So, should a “christian” TV or radio station be promoting the RCC which is clearly an organization that is not of God? Absolutely NOT! It doesn’t matter what good things they do because if they are teaching a “Jesus” that is not in the Word of God then they are false teachers and heretics! So many “american christians” want to give people passes who teach lies (Osteen, Meyer, Copeland, the RCC, and their pastor) because for some reason they think it’s not their job to point out evil and false teachers. However, I believe the real reason people don’t want to expose evil and false teachers is that they want to be liked and loved by all and that includes the people of the WORLD! Personally, I call people like this “cowards”…

The second thing that happened yesterday truly reinforced to me how satan is totally controlling american churches. The church needs to understand this; I don’t care how much you LOVE your church or how much you love your pastor because if your pastor isn’t preaching about sin and repentance on a regular basis then your church will be FULL of sin and things like I am about to share will spring up. I was flipping through late night TV and came across a show that was about Salem Massachusetts. Apparently the guys in this show were “ghost hunters”, and as the show start one guy stood up and told his team to gather around him and said this “Lord Jesus, I ask you protect us tonight against these evil ghosts and I ask you this in the name of Jesus”. If I have to explain just how wrong this is then maybe you are untaught on this matter, you have been deceived, or you do not have the REAL Holy Spirit. Oh and a side note, these “christians” had many words being bleeped out so why would a christian be cussing on TV? Could it be that they just have a form of godliness? The truth is this, the Word of God says those who die without Jesus are in hell waiting on the Great White Throne Judgment where all sinners and hell will be cast into the lake of fire FOREVER and those who die in Jesus immediately go to be with him and they are awaiting the Judgment Seat of Christ where their works will be judged. No where does the Word of God say or hint that people that die stay on this earth as “ghosts” nor does it say that God sends people who have died back to earth to visit christians and anyone who says otherwise is teaching HERESY!

Should christian stations be promoting the RCC false religion? NO WAY!

Should christians on TV be stating that ghosts are real? NO WAY!

Should christians on TV be cussing? NO WAY!

Oh how far away “christians” in america have fallen from God... 


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