RCC and chrismas (satanmas)

We will never win the christmas battle spouting that it is the birthday of Tamuzz’s birthday or the end of “Saturnalia” because most have NO CLUE what they means even after you explain it. So as I was praying about how to save people from Hell who celebrate satanic holidays such as christmas and easter the Holy Spirit told me to start at the beginning, but the beginning of what?

Point A – The Roman Catholic Church Is An Apostate Version of Jesus
In 312AD Constantine stopped the persecution of the church in Rome, but he made the “Holy Roman Catholic Church” (not the Church of Jesus Christ) the “official religion” of Rome. This placed the Pope as the one of the most powerful men in the Roman Empire.

At this point if you want to fight christmas you have to explain the APOSTATE teachings of the Roman Catholic Church or RCC. Some of the heresies they teach are that priests can take away your sin, purgatory, that we are to pray to the saints or to the holy mother (aka–Mary), that the RCC is the final authority of scripture, and that the Pope is the “Holy Father”. Getting people to understand these heresies are important because the RCC is as not an apostate denomination but they are an APOSTATE form of Jesus and THAT is what we have to get people to understand. Now, when you are done explaining the heresies of the APOSTATE RCC ask them, so do you think the RCC is a true version of Jesus? If they say yes then you can move on to the next section and if they say no or well no denomination is perfect then you have three choices… walk away, re-explain the RCC, or tell them that having minor differences of scripture (remember the Pentecostals and pants?) is not heresy but interpretation but the RCC teachers nothing but HERESY. Once again if you want to go over this again and again that is up to each person, but I would advise to let the Holy Spirit guide you. If however they agree that the RCC is an APOSTATE version of Jesus then you can now move to “Point B” because the hook has been set!

Before hitting them with “Point B” ask them one more time if they agree that the RCC is APOSTATE (this is important).

Point B – “Who Brought Christmas Into The Church”
Fact – The first recorded date of Christmas being celebrated on December 25th was in 336, during the time of the Roman Emperor Constantine and a few years later Pope Julius I officially declared that the birth of Jesus would be celebrated on the 25th December.

Okay do you see it? This is where you ask them, do you see it? Do you see WHO brought christmas into the church? It wasn’t God the Father, Jesus the Son, or the Holy Spirit… NO NO NO, it was the APOSTATE Roman Catholic Church! At this point you can (if you have done the research) explain to them all the satanic (not pagan) practices such as presents, the tree, the feast, mistletoe, and so on that make up the “christmas” that they want to celebrate.

At this point ask them again, so do you still think Born Again children of Almighty God should celebrate satanic days like christmas that was brought into the church by the APOSTATE Roman Catholic Church? If they say that they still think it is okay to celebrate satanmas then move along because they are still deceived and you have done your job. If they say they can see it now then lead them in prayer of repentance to shut all doors they may have opened for celebrating satanmas.

I hope this helps us all in leading people out of a path that could lead to eternal damnation…


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