Trump - Human Trafficking

To: Trump the Hypocrite and his supporters too…
From: Truth

Yep it is that time again, what time?


Trump says he is against human trafficking and this is why we need the wall built on the southern border NOW yet (A) he made up the story about “girls being duct-taped and being forced into America” and (B) he had nothing to say about the girls who were forced into prostitution in Jupiter Florida (where his buddy Bob Kraft was busted)… Oh and that spa is only 30 minutes from trump’s Mar-a-Lago…

(A) "I have worked on human trafficking on multiple continents in multiple countries for more than two decades, and in all the work that I've done with trafficking victims, I have met one who was actually kidnapped and thrown into a car," Martina Vandenberg of Washington D.C.'s Human Trafficking Legal Center said. "It is much easier to coerce people through threats to their families. It is much easier to convince someone that they are heading towards a better life". According to a database of 1,435 human trafficking indictments since 2009 maintained by the Human Trafficking Legal Center, Vandenberg said she found only 26 instances of kidnapping and only one mention of a victim being bound with duct tape and that case's victim was a US citizen.

Oh SNAP so where did trump get his information?

Well there is a movie that opens with Muslim prayer rugs on the border, a girl being duct-taped, and the Mexicans have high powered vehicles…

“Sicario – Day of the Soldado”

So is trump getting his southern border information from movies now?

Yet trump has said NOTHING about human trafficking in the Florida spa…

Would he be silent if the traffickers had been Mexican???

(B) As far his buddy, he said this “It's very sad. I was very surprised to see it”, the president said. “He's proclaimed his innocence, totally, but I am very surprised to see it”. Hmm, same thing he about Putin when Putin denied being involved in the Russian hacking in 2016. “Putin claims he is innocent, I see no reason why he would be involved”. Not one mention of the girls who were trafficked, but he has time to stand up for his friend???

trump is a total fraud and hypocrite…

In closing, I do my research do you? If not then you need to because you are NOT doing what you were told to do (2 Timothy 2:15).  This information is not hard to find, however most american christians are too lazy to conduct research but they would rather listen to their pastor or favorite TBN false teacher to “hear” from God and that is dangerous, but why? Because we will be held accountable not only for what we do, but also for what we support, approve of and tolerate in others!

Although they know God’s righteous decree and His judgment, that those who do such things deserve death, yet they not only do them, but they even [enthusiastically] approve and tolerate others who practice them”


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