
Showing posts from December, 2017

The Sacrifice of Obedience

Every New Year it seems that everyone and their brother has a New Year’s “Resolution”… I am going lose weight or I am going stop smoking or I am going to do this or that however only 50% people who make resolutions ever make it to June and most resolutions fizzle out by the time winter hits. So I was thinking that as a Born Again believer what resolution(s) should I be making? Everyone who knows me knows that the two things I strive for is to be whatever God wants me to be and to do whatever God tells me to do. However, I am the first to admit that many times I fall short and I know that if I am not being used to my full potential for my Lord then it ME to blame and not God! Jesus told us that “Many are called but few are chosen” (Matthew 22:14) and “ What if God, willing to show his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction and that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which ...

Norman Vincent Peale - Freemason

Two prominent Figures (1 Political and 1 Religious) both claim that the late "Norman Vincent Peale" was their “personal” pastor and/or mentor. However, most “christians” do not know that the great Dr. Peale who wrote "The Power of Positive Thinking" actually belonged to the satanic group known as the "Freemasons"... While many think Freemasons are “christians”, nothing could be farther from the truth. The Freemasons believe you can worship ‘god’ anyway you want to (Judaism, Christianity, and Allah, whatever). Peale also advocated such  New Age and/or occult teachings as visualization/positive imaging, pantheism, human potential, positive confession, positive thinking, etc. On a 1984 Phil Donahue Show Peale who as I said earlier was a 33rd degree Mason said, "It's not necessary to be born again. You have your way to God, I have mine. I found eternal peace in a Shinto shrine". Shintoism is an ancient Oriental religion that fuses ancestor wors...

PaganMass Part II

More information on Paganmass... Even after public commemoration of Christmas was once again legal in England following the restoration of the monarchy in 1660, the Yuletide ban remained firmly on the books in Massachusetts for an entire generation. Although outlawed in public, the celebration of Christmas endured in private homes, particularly in the fishing towns further afield from the center of Puritan power in Boston that Nissenbaum writes were “notorious for irreligion, heavy drinking and loose sexual activity.” In his research, Nissenbaum found no records of any prosecutions under the 1659 law. “This was not the secret police going after everybody,” he says. “It’s clear from the wording of the ban that the Puritans weren’t really concerned with celebrating the holiday in a quiet way privately. It was for preventing disorders.” The prohibition of public Christmas celebrations was unique to Massachusetts, and under the reign of King Charles II political pressure from the mo...

PaganMass Part I

Now that its over, let us recap the roots of Paganmass.. The origins of Christmas are pretty much well known. There was a whole virgin birth in a manger while trekking across Africa or something, but what is less well known is that it was originally a pagan holiday which was criminalized until 1907 in the US. It was in 601 that Pope Gregory I wrote to Melitus (his missionary in England) telling him "not to stop such ancient Pagan festivities" but to "adapt them to the rites of the Church, only changing the reason of them from a heathen to a Christian impulse". So all those who have been claiming for years that Christmas was, in fact, actually a pagan holiday - you were right and Pope Gregory I handily put it in writing for you. That said, Christmas also moved around the globe between 900 - 1000 Common Era (C.E.) and was adapted to match their winter celebrations there as well. Christmas evolved slowly and gradually, with no firm mention of it...

501 (c)(3) & The Church Lie

501 (c)(3) & The Church Sorry it took me so long to post again, but this message took a lot of research to complete. I am going to start my blog debut out with an extremely light topic about the Church and its relationship with the government or more specifically how the 501 (c)(3) exemptions affect the Church. This will be a lengthy post, but I assure you it will be WELL worth your time reading it all and personally, I learned a lot! Any company that files for a 501(c)(3) status exemption is considered to be a “nonprofit” organization under United States Federal Law “26 U.S.C. § 501”, and as such these companies are exempt from all Federal income taxes and fall under all 501 (c)(3) rules. One rule is that any organization that is under 501(c)(3) rules can receive “unlimited” contributions from individuals, corporations, or unions and never have to pay one penny in taxes. The second rule is that all nonprofit organizations are considered to be tax-exempt under secti...

Welcome Post

Hey Everyone... I have decided to blog a lot of my messages since I cannot fit them within the confines of Facebook. I will have a variety of things to post from messages in the Word to hot news so check back often. I will allow most comments, however if the replies contain cursing or attack on others then they will be deleted. I hope you all engage with each other so we can all grow and become better witnesses for Christ and become better Warriors for the Kingdom of God!! Love In Christ Dan