
Showing posts from January, 2018

Not Called To The Wrath Of God

NOT CALLED TO THE WRATH OF GOD • Noah lived through every single day of the flood. • The Children of Israel lived in Egypt through all ten plagues. • Jesus left all twelve Disciples in the boat in the midst of the storm. • The Church survived Nero’s persecution. • The Church survived the Inquisition. • Ninety percent of the Christians in the Middle East have been killed or displaced in the last ten years, but the Church remains. But you are just certain that Jesus has to rapture you before the Tribulation because He said that you are not destined to wrath… Please look at the whole verse and note that Pretribbers only quote half of the verse… 1 Thessalonians 5:9 For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. This is not speaking of the wrath of God poured out on sinners during the Tribulation. In its immediate context, “wrath” is speaking of judgment, Hell and the Lake of Fire. This Scripture says that, as the

Going To Church

Paganism Is In the Churches Ivor Thomas – March 1st, 2014 Every Sunday, “Christians” gather the family together, go to a church, sing, pray, and often participate in responsive readings, give an offering, listen to a sermon by the pastor and after about an hour or so go home believing they have worshiped God in some Biblical way. “Christian” psychologists counsel their patients to “find a good church” or “find a mentor in your church to hold you accountable” or “talk to your pastor", and very rarely do they tell them “Turn to God. Study your Bible. Get down on your knees and pray and the LORD will lead you into truth because the LORD will be your Counselor directly". The implication is that God is unable to communicate with us directly, and that He always needs an intermediary. This is exactly what the Israelites wanted at Mt. Sinai when God wanted to talk to them directly. They were afraid of God and did not want Him personally to talk to them. They pleaded for Mo

Forgiveness Is Freedom

True Forgiveness Is True Freedom The other night as I was trying to fall asleep God had a totally different plan for me (as he often does when he wants to get my attention). To understand what he was trying to tell me I have to let everyone in on some pretty dark secrets of my past that I rarely share so please bear with me as I tell this semi-lengthy and unpleasant story. I was adopted at an early age and was sent to Florida to live with my adoptive parents. Now while most people assume that people who adopt kids actually want them I do not think that was the case with the people who got me. I do think my adoptive mother did at first, but after suffering years of abuse at the hands of my adoptive dad I think she gave up. My legally adoptive dad was an extremely vicious man who hit my mom constantly, beat me like a dog, and verbal/mentally abused the entire family. On top of that he sexually abused me and I would find out years later that he had molested my older sister for year

The Deceived & The Heretics

Part I – The Deceived Many people have awakened from I call the “Heresy Matrix” because many of us were plugged into the teachings of many false teachers back in the day such as Copeland, Hagin, Hinn, Meyer, Cahn, and so many others of the liars spewing their heresies on the false christian TV stations. However, many of these same people have totally forgotten that they too were once deceived by the teachings of these wolves and that they didn’t listen to anyone who came against their favorite teachers either. This being said, we must all learn a new way to approach those who are still sitting under the teachings of these false teachers. Many people who were born again may have been whisked right into churches that are teaching these lies and because they were babes they did not realize that what they were learning were nothing more than verses ripped out of context and in some cases complete lies. Knowing this then we need to realize that blasting people with everything we have wi