
Showing posts from August, 2018

Clear And Present Danger

Clear and Present Danger “Google search results for ‘My News’ shows only the viewing/reporting of Fake News Media. In other words, they have it RIGGED for me & others, so that almost all stories & news is BAD. They are controlling what we can & cannot see and this very serious situation WILL be addressed! ” Tweeted on August 28 th , 2017 at 8:02am By Donald J. Trump Okay before you shut down your brain because this is about Trump I have one favor to ask; please take off your “rose-colored Trump can do no wrong” glasses and put on your “Constitution First” glasses. The question here is simple… Do you value Trump or your Constitution more? What this man just tweeted is one of the most dangerous tweets he has done to date. We all know he is constantly attacking the “free press” (which is protected under your Constitution) because he doesn’t like what the press is saying about him AND NOW he wants to try to control private companies and what they say and do. Do...

John McCain - An American Patriot

John McCain - An American Patriot Yesterday we lost a true PATRIOT who was the last of his kind. With the passing of John McCain goes the last moderate politician in Washington who was willing to reach across the aisle and try to find common ground with those that he totally disagreed with so that things could get done for the American people. Senator McCain was known for standing up to Democrats when he needed to, but he was also known for standing up to his own party when he thought they were out of line (and Republicans hated him for this). I know I never agreed with everything he did but I also knew that McCain stood up for his core values, which was to always try and make America a better place for all Americans. This is from an interview with Jake Tapper of CNN last year and the question and answer went like this: Jake Tapper’s Question: "I hope I don't run this clip for another 50 years. But how do you want the American people to remember you?" John M...

Part I - 5 Signs That Your Country Is Being Taken Over By A Tyrant

Soft Tyranny Part I – The 5 Signs of a Soft Tyrant Taking Over Your Country The two major types of dictatorships in the world are “soft” and “hard”, and for this piece I will be using the word “tyrant” as the descriptor for both dictators and tyrants. Hard tyrants are relatively easy to spot and they are usually led by leaders who believe without a doubt in communism. Many of these tyrants come into power by using various “strongman tactics” such as political tactics (stacking the political deck in their favor), personal attacks (removing everyone that disagrees with them), influential tactics (controlling what the press says about them and discrediting, jailing, or killing the ones who don’t), and total military control (including martial law) via a “ coup d'é·tat”. However, n o matter how they do it the end game is always the same; to rule by force and make the country either an authoritarian or totalitarian regime. Many of these “strongman dictators” are not the actua...

Purge & Clean

Purge & Clean I spoke last week about the “purge and cleaning” of the branches, and I wanted to go back and reiterate on some of the things I spoke about. Also, I want everyone to know that this is something that has been going on in my life for the past couple months and I wanted to share what I have learned about the “purge” in the hope that it might help someone else who may be going through this process. The main thing I have learned about the purge is that there are two very important steps involved in the purging. The first thing we have to understand about the purge is that God is trying to remove something out of our lives and that the purging will NOT go on forever. Also, when the purging is done we will have seasons of peace between the seasons of purging. I understand completely that at times it seems like the purging will never end, but our Father is merciful and the season of the purge eventually WILL come to an end but only for a season because purging will co...

America Is In Distress…

America Is In Distress… First of all this is in no way a “political piece” because I do not participate in politics, but this is a warning to all who will heed it because YOUR country is in GRAVE DANGER… In case you have not been following the news, what happened Thursday was a total misuse of executive power and it must STOP NOW. We must understand that anyone in the federal government who has or has had any access to classified information is legally required to keep that information classified until it is declassified for the rest of his/her life if necessary. Also, once they become an “ex-official,” that person will no longer have access to any classified information unless they are recalled to be a   consultant to the United States and thus this is why former intelligence personnel maintain their security clearances (not to go out and make money like the state controlled TV station is lying to America about). Also, Presidents do not need to revoke security clearances fr...

Why Don’t We Read the Word of God?

Question of the day…. Why Don’t We Read the Word of God? Hebrews 4:12 tells us this “… the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart” so it is clear that the Word of God cuts to the very being of our thoughts and intents so could this be why we shy from the Word of God when we are in sin or running from God? You bet it is and I have done this myself too many times so I know that this is true, but hat is the Word of God for? The word says in 2 Timothy 3:16-17 that “ All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect (mature), thoroughly furnished unto all good works”, however many people only want the doctrine part but they run away from the reproof, correction, or instru...